Remember ...

Items in the Broadview Kids store are limited and may not be restocked. This is because many items in the store were donated rather than purchased. Please keep in mind that all orders are more like requests rather than orders. We process as quickly as possible, but they are not immediate transaction like in an actual online store. This means that we cannot guarantee that every item will be available when orders are processed. We are sorry for the inconvenience this causes.


In order to make the Broadview Kids Store accessible to Awana students, we have moved it online.

Cubbies and Trek students are given prizes using a different system.

Students in Sparks and T&T, will receive a card with their latest total they have to spend in the store. At home, students can then look at the store items available online and decide if they would like to place an order with their available bucks, or save for a more expensive item. If they choose to save, they can continue to earn bucks by working in their books and through regular attendance.

Please keep in mind that we have a limited inventory that is continually changing. Items are on a first come first serve availability.
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